Guest Book Welcome to sign this guset
book, to review your message, please press refresh buttom. To
leave a message click here. View Guest Book 查看留言簿 For earlier message 翻阅以前的留言簿 -> <10> <9> <8> <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> Message from the Guestbook at Infoseek from August,
1998 to September, 1998 This was posted by: chenxu <> These comments were posted Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 19:16:09 (PDT) :):):):):):):) This was posted by: :-) These comments were posted Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 06:42:48 (PDT) I just log on to read your messages, thank you all
for your comments and good wishes. Real Cool, I like the appearence of this site. Dear George, The web site is wonderful. Sorry to
say happy bithday late. However, I trust you have spent a terrific birthday
in Sichuan despite the terrrible flood. I was in Qingdao last week, and
met Bill who was now serving in Haisense Computer Company. Looks good!
It's not very convinient for me to get on the internet since I have no
computer at home. But sometime I could review it at working time. Anything
you could drop me a E mail. Write to you next time. Once again, happy
birthday ! Wish you a successful future! Regards, Ashi 革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力。 Lieber Song: ich bin sehr froh das ich deine gemuetliche
"Wohnung" durch internet besuchen kann. Es ist werklich besser
als ich gedacht habe! Gratuliere!! Und zum Wohl:-)! "一份耕耘,一份收获 ",你的才能在这个小小的空间得到了充分体现.我也在此觅到了你成长的足迹.嘉陵江
的水是有灵性的,在这里,我衷心希望你这次归乡旅程顺利,盼望你早日归来,把四川的"灵性"带到北京,提前祝你:Alles gute
zu Deinem Gerburtstag! 前程似锦! =) ... 金 你是teking的??,我两同居了4年,在天津,现在我在新疆,照片上看你蛮象我的!主页的色彩不错,内容.....! I am the No. 6 visitor of your cyberspace villa.
Keep it a secret, I am living in the same city as you, and perhaps graduated
from the same university. Welcome the host and the other visitors to my
homepage at which is in Chinese only and
more interesting. I am there waiting for you. This homepage is among the most wonderful in my mind.
I am sure the author will make great progress during his future maintenace
of this villa. Every five days I will access this site for any new and
interesting thing! This villa will become more and more hospitable and
convenient for your guests! Auf Wiedersehen! I am the No.1 and 2 and 3 and 4 visitor of this site
hosted by myself. Any message will be appreciated. Vielen Dank. |
Cyberspace Villa, October, 2001 |
星空网驿, 2001年10月