| Lead-China Cohort 10 | Tang-Song Dynasty | Greener Beijing |
 LEAD-China Introduction

LEAD-China Orientation Session for Cohort-10 (9 -17 Nov., 2002 Beijing)

1. Session Objectives

This is LEAD-China orientation session for cohort-10 that will be held from 9-17 Nov. this year at Beijing Dangdai Service Center. As the associates come from different regions and sectors with diverse culture and background, this session is designed to bring the associates onto the common communication ground so as to make best use of LEAD as a learning opportunity. The resource persons of this session include LEAD-China core faculty members and training officers and experts in various fields related to sustainable development.

The experts invited to speak at LEAD session all have innovative views of the sustainable development. Their views may not agree with each other and possibly disagree with the views of the Associates. But they serve as a catalysts to stimulate our thinking and our critics, as LEAD believes that we can improve ourselves through understanding and analyzing differences.

The session aims to enable Associates

  • To understand LEAD as an open, transparent learning platform where they communicate differences, explore the challenges and search solutions toward a society with greater sustainability so that they can decide whether they will commit their time and energy to this program.
  • To begin building the new vision of sustainable development by exposing themselves to different views and ideas of the sustainable development.
  • To begin developing the leadership skills through exercises, simulation and learning from colleagues.

2. Structure and outputs

The session is structured with 5 modules to achieve these objectives:

Module 1

Understanding LEAD

  • LEAD mission, objectives, principles, activities and code of conducts
  • Interdisciplinary approach of LEAD

Module 2

Development of new vision through exploring differences.

  • Keynote speech of “Challenges for achieving sustainable development faced by China”
  • Ecological enterprise, a new approach of production and consumption toward the sustainable development
  • Development and conflicts
  • Globalization and cultural conflicts
  • Trend of science and technology, and challenges faced by China
  • Challenge to environmentalists and its methodological syndrome

Module 3

Leadership skill development:

  • How to build a high-performance team
  • How to conduct a research project
  • How to make an effective presentation
  • How to use LEADnet to communicate effectively

Module 4

Associates workshop and proposal day

  • Parallel workshops conducted by the associates themselves to form associate project groups
  • Prepare and state associate project proposals

Module 5

Preparation for distance learning module

Note: for the module 4, if more associates want to have workshops, please contact Chengbo.

The outputs of this session are the proposals of the group projects. During the 18 months that will follow, the associates will implement the projects according to their proposals. The projects should be completed and the reports should be submitted before the last international graduation session.

3. Methodology of the session

The session will take the methodological formats of seminars, working groups and parallel workshops. Participation is the key to effective learning for all the Associates.

4. Session requirement

The training starts on the 9th November and ends on 16th November. 90% of attendance on time is required and will be used as a performance indicator. Participation is also required as this is the only way to achieve the effective learning in LEAD. The active participation in the every training module from associates is also appreciated so that the session can be successful, interactive and productive. Based on the rules of LEAD International, those who are less than 90% of training time will lose the opportunity to continue LEAD program no matter what excuses they have.

5. Curriculum Arrangement & Schedule

See detailed arrangement & Schedule-->

6. Venue

Beijing Dangdai Service Center




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