Cohort 10 Reginal Session
Bangkok, Thailand
Hosted by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
I planed
to go back to Beijing on 19th September and had to miss the
Pataya travel with other members of Gourp 2, the megacity
and rural development group. It was really a pity. But I will
still like to share my interesting experence during the last
afternoon in Bangkok:)
to Thai friend's House

The residential area of the Monks. This temple has over 140

Invited by Tony and Phra to visit Phra's house.

Phra Rajadhammasan and I

and I

Tony, Phra and Chun

Night falls when I leave Phra's house.

When I arrived at Siam Station. I encountered the performance
of the Thai Youth at the Plaza before the station.